k-builder.php */ if ( ! $this->options_helper->get( 'disable-attachment' ) || \apply_filters( 'wpseo_force_creating_and_using_attachment_indexables', false ) ) { // Strip out the size part of an image URL. $url = \preg_replace( '/(.*)-\d+x\d+\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif)$/', '$1.$2', $url ); $indexable = $this->indexable_repository->find_by_permalink( $url ); if ( $indexable && $indexable->object_type === 'post' && $indexable->object_sub_type === 'attachment' ) { return $indexable->object_id; } $post_id = WPSEO_Image_Utils::get_attachment_by_url( $url ); if ( $post_id !== 0 ) { // Find the indexable, this triggers creating it so it can be found next time. $this->indexable_repository->find_by_id_and_type( $post_id, 'post' ); } return $post_id; } if ( ! $use_link_table ) { return WPSEO_Image_Utils::get_attachment_by_url( $url ); } $cache_key = 'attachment_seo_link_object_' . \md5( $url ); $found = false; $link = \wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'yoast-seo-attachment-link', false, $found ); if ( $found === false ) { $link = $this->seo_links_repository->find_one_by_url( $url ); \wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $link, 'yoast-seo-attachment-link', \MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); } if ( ! \is_a( $link, SEO_Links::class ) ) { return WPSEO_Image_Utils::get_attachment_by_url( $url ); } return $link->target_post_id; } /** * Retrieves an attachment ID for an image uploaded in the settings. * * Due to self::get_attachment_by_url returning 0 instead of false. * 0 is also a possibility when no ID is available. * * @codeCoverageIgnore - We have to write test when this method contains own code. * * @param string $setting The setting the image is stored in. * * @return int|bool The attachment id, or false or 0 if no ID is available. */ public function get_attachment_id_from_settings( $setting ) { return WPSEO_Image_Utils::get_attachment_id_from_settings( $setting ); } /** * Based on and image ID return array with the best variation of that image. If it's not saved to the DB, save it to an option. * * @param string $setting The setting name. Should be company or person. * * @return array|bool Array with image details when the image is found, boolean when it's not found. */ public function get_attachment_meta_from_settings( $setting ) { $image_meta = $this->options_helper->get( $setting . '_meta', false ); if ( ! $image_meta ) { $image_id = $this->options_helper->get( $setting . '_id', false ); if ( $image_id ) { // There is not an option to put a URL in an image field in the settings anymore, only to upload it through the media manager. // This means an attachment always exists, so doing this is only needed once. $image_meta = $this->get_best_attachment_variation( $image_id ); if ( $image_meta ) { $this->options_helper->set( $setting . '_meta', $image_meta ); } } } return $image_meta; } /** * Retrieves the first usable content image for a post. * * @codeCoverageIgnore - We have to write test when this method contains own code. * * @param int $post_id The post id to extract the images from. * * @return string|null */ protected function get_first_usable_content_image_for_post( $post_id ) { return WPSEO_Image_Utils::get_first_usable_content_image_for_post( $post_id ); } /** * Gets the term's first usable content image. Null if none is available. * * @codeCoverageIgnore - We have to write test when this method contains own code. * * @param int $term_id The term id. * * @return string|null The image URL. */ protected function get_first_content_image_for_term( $term_id ) { return WPSEO_Image_Utils::get_first_content_image_for_term( $term_id ); } } 1.0VVS Advocatenhttps://www.vvsadvocaten.nlOnderbroekdief moet vijf dagen zitten - VVS Advocatenrich600338<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="oArWdTLMUA"><a href="https://www.vvsadvocaten.nl/nieuws/onderbroekdief-moet-vijf-dagen-zitten/">Onderbroekdief moet vijf dagen zitten</a></blockquote><iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="https://www.vvsadvocaten.nl/nieuws/onderbroekdief-moet-vijf-dagen-zitten/embed/#?secret=oArWdTLMUA" width="600" height="338" title="“Onderbroekdief moet vijf dagen zitten” — VVS Advocaten" data-secret="oArWdTLMUA" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" class="wp-embedded-content"></iframe><script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ /*! 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De dief was in een Haagse winkel betrapt met een gloednieuwe…